Grinding & Classification Circuits

Grinding & Classification Circuits

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High pressures elevation mill-ratio state wear balls (2 replies)

6 years ago
courio 6 years ago

Hello friends

We have a problem to solve and a conclusion that I do not think is the reason.

MOLINO BALLS DOMINION (4X72metros D by 6.4metros L) 2300Kw
The mill is supported by a pair of hydrostatic bearing journals (2159 mm diameter x 483 mm wide), equipped with a hydrostatic lubrication unit. Each pair of journal bearings consists of a floating bearing and a fixed bearing.
In the case of each bearing of the mill, one of the bearings is "fixed" and the other is "floating". The "fixed" bearing is held firmly in its housing by means of clamping rings, in order to compensate the load of the axial thrust exerted by the single propeller gear. The "pin" pinion is located on the side of the width of the crown which is in the direction of the pushing force. The "float" bearing is free to move inside its housing in order to allow thermal expansion of the shaft during operation.

We raise the axial pressures discharge mill to out of range (50 bar) coming to stop mill, radial pressure lifting load at 25-30 bar.Presion normal working.
Maintenance tells us that the problem is the state of the balls that are worn.
At the time of problems was at 27% steel / 1700Kw and now not performing ball recharges are at 18% / 1400Kw.

My question if the balls are worn can influence the pressure variations since in my opinion it does not influence the axial pressures at all unless the load is at maximum design (32%).


Paul Morrow
6 years ago
Paul Morrow 6 years ago

Ball wear affecting bearing pressure?  That's a good one.

6 years ago
Robert 6 years ago

Is this a recent change? Previously were there any concerns with maintaining ball charge?

Would you describe past behavior before this problem originated?


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