
CAE offers five different types of software for your mining operation

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The company CAE started as a global leader in modelling, simulation and training for civil aviation and defence, later diversifying its work. Today, the firm is proud of its section CAE Mining, which is “at the forefront of the industry in developing and providing innovative technology and services to plan, manage and optimise mining operations“. CAE Mining … Read more

RungePincockMinarco: three software solutions for different mining environments

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After more than 30 years of experience in the field, RungePincockMinarco keeps producing groundbreaking software for the mining industry. The company’s products are globally sought for mine planning, scheduling, equipment simulation and financial analysis solutions. Today, we bring you three different software solutions, each one for a different type of need. 1. Underground Coal – XPAC … Read more

Simio offers simulation software solutions for open pit and underground mines


With over 30 years of experience in simulation and scheduling, the Pennsylvania-based company Simio LLC (SImulation Modeling framework based on Intelligent Objects) currently offers several great simulation software solutions for mining companies across the world, solutions that can be applied both to open pit and underground mines. According to the company, Simio’s mining solutions can be used to design material … Read more

Australian software reduces coal-stockpiling hazards and increases safety


How can the mining companies effectively diminish some safety risks? Well, the firm Immersive Technologies has an idea: the SimControl 4.6, the latest version of the software used to control advanced equipment simulators released last May. The company that supplies surface and underground equipment simulator to the global mining industry updated its software to specifically address … Read more