
Bioleaching Carbonaceous Gold Ores

The previous tests demonstrated the use of facultative and extreme thermophiles for refractory sulfide gold ores and flotation concentrates. The following tests were conducted on carbonaceous gold ores to evaluate response to bioleaching. Facultative Thermophile Bioleaching of Carbonaceous Gold Ore The facultative thermophile S1I was used to pretreat a carbonaceous gold ore under CSTR conditions. … Read more

Cyclic Voltammetry

A few representative cycles from the first 20 oxidation/reduction cycles for a pyrite electrode in 0.1 M sodium borate are presented in Figure 3. The first scan was made in the cathodic direction starting from the rest potential of the mineral which typically had a value of 0.18 V. The large reduction peak observed in … Read more

Pyrite Buffer in Soil

The Gunnison, Colorado, tailings provide an example of the chemical reactions across the interface with soils rich in pyrite but low in calcite. In this case, the retardation of trace components is determined primarily from the Eh controls and less from the pH (Johnson, 1985). The compositions of groundwater from wells in the vicinity of … Read more


In the case of pellets it was observed that incremental additions of olivine to any of a series of pellet concentrates invariably caused the pellets to become progressively more ferromagnetic after induration. At first, it was assumed that what little magnesioferrite formed in such pellets stabilized magnetite, a comparable spinel structure, in solid solution. However … Read more

Kaolin Ceramics

Kaolin is a clay comprised essentially of the mineral kaolinite which has the oxide composition of 46.3% SiO2, 39.8% Al2O3, and 13.9% combined H2O. The structural formula of kaolinite is (OH)8Si4Al4O10. These deposits are sedimentary and contain approximately 90% or more kaolinite along with minor quantities of quartz, mica, and smectite along with trace quantities … Read more

Silver Chloride Chemistry

To appreciate the development of industrial silver chloride processing it is helpful to outline some of its general properties. Since more comprehensive reviews are available, only basic concepts will be covered here. Silver chloride is a white, curdy, crystalline solid compound. In the lab, it is prepared from a solution of AgNO3 by precipitation with … Read more

Effect of Air Flowrate on Flotation Column

On a flotation column cell, the variation of concentrate flowrate, clean coal yield and product grade with air flow rate are shown in Figure 4. These tests were carried out using a 5 wt. % feed slurry. The results show that the concentrate flow rate, yield and product ash content increased with air flow rate. … Read more

Visman’ General Sampling Theory

A comprehensive analysis of the entire range of related studies would require a lengthy discussion. Instead, this paper will focus only on the work of Visman (1962, 1969), because his work is part of the current ASTM D2234 standard on coal sampling (American Society for Testing and Materials, 1985). Visman’s work attempts to empirically determine … Read more

Column Flotation BIAS

Counter Current flow of mineralized bubbles & wash water The column underflow is always of slightly higher volume than the feed. This volume imbalance, called BIAS in the control system, is made up by wash water inserted at the top of the column. Part of this wash water travels down the column to exit with the … Read more

Gold Refining Contract

The operator’s relationship with the refinery depends entirely upon a well-defined written contract, good representation at the refinery and the use of reliable assay laboratories. While all contracts are similar in that they are meant to safeguard the interest of both refiner and miner, it is not unusual to find a single refinery writing a … Read more