History of Flotation


The FLOTATION PROCESS is one of the commonest methods of extracting the valuable minerals from certain classes of ores, and it is generally more efficient as regards the recovery of the minerals than any other process applicable to the treatment of similar types of ores. The metallic contents of the minerals are recovered from the … Read more

Why do Minerals Float

I was very much interested in reading an article by Charles T. Durell, appearing in the Mining and Scientific Press of September 18, under the caption ‘”Why do Minerals Float?’ However, I find myself unable to agree with Mr. Durell’s line of argument, and for the following reasons: In the first place I believe that … Read more

Flotation Foam

The process depends upon the fact that minerals with a metallic lustre, when treated in the form of a wetted pulp, adhere to oil, while earthy minerals do not. Two distinct operations are involved; first, the separation of the metallic mineral from the gangue by means of oil; second, the extraction of the mineral from … Read more

Flotation: From Alchemy & Art to Physics and Science

In a recent reminiscence my friend Ben Stanley Revett has recorded how he bet “a bottle of bubbles” with that peripatetic philosopher Thomas F. Criley, the partner of Carrie Jane Everson in an oil process of concentration whereby the valuable sulphides were made to float above the worthless gangue in a pulp of crushed ore. … Read more