Melting Gold

Touchstone Gold Tester

There are three methods for ascertaining the quality of gold, viz., by the touchstone and needles, by cupellation, and by parting or quartation. The first is the process which, from its simplicity and convenience, is used by jewellers and others for learning at a glance the value of the articles which they buy and sell, … Read more

Melting Gold

For melting gold, a strong fire is necessary, and the operation is generally performed in a forge or furnace. The following is a description of a new form of furnace, invented by the author, and which is admirably calculated for melting in crucibles, for the distillation of mercury, for cupellation, and for every other chemical … Read more

California Gold

Having lately analyzed three specimens of ore from California, all of which were supposed by the possessors to contain gold, and finding but one of them that proved to contain it, I am convinced that the native gold is found in the same localities as some worthless ores, having a yellow colour, and which are … Read more