XRF Analyzer Safety

Handheld XRF Spectrometer

Handheld XRF spectrometers

Handheld XRF spectrometers are a fast, accurate, and portable tool that can be used for a variety of tasks in the mining industry.  What is a portable spectrometer and how do you use one? A handheld “XRF gun” is an x-ray instrument used for chemical analyses.  Shaped and sized similarly to a barcode scanner, the … Read more

Portable XRF Analyzer | Canada VS USA Models & Safety Modes

Portable XRF Canada US Safety Standard

For Portable XRF Analyzers, the Canada software will not allow the “automatic” trigger (stop start trigger) So the only option is the dead man trigger which means that you have to hold the trigger for the duration of the test.  There is one person in charge of Rad safety in Canada.  They are not rational.  They have … Read more