
Iron Crystallography

We have already devoted two previous memoirs to this question. In the first we collated and discussed the existing literature on the subject; in the second, we described the crystalline forms obtained by the reduction, at different temperatures, of ferrous chloride by hydrogen or by zinc-vapor. The conclusion from these researches was that the three … Read more

List Minerals Containing Phosphoric Acid

The occurrence and distribution of phosphorus is one of the most important questions with which the steel-maker has to do. Large sums are invested in processes for the removal of this element from ores before they come to the blast-furnace, and much greater sums in freeing the pig-iron from it. Mechanical engineers are becoming more … Read more

Mineral Determination Tables

This contains a series of tables, more or less complete, of minerals arranged according to chemical composition or to certain prominent crystallographic or physical characters. These, it is believed, will be of service not only to the student, but also to the skilled mineralogist. The type used in the printing of the mineral names indicates … Read more

Native Elements

The native elements are divided into the two distinct sections of the Metals and the Non-metals, and these are connected by the transition class of the Semi-metals. The distinction between them as regards physical characters and chemical relations has already been given. The only non-metals present among minerals are carbon, sulphur, and selenium; the last, … Read more


The Silicates are in part strictly anhydrous, in part hydrous, as the zeolites and the amorphous clays, etc. Furthermore, a large number of the silicates yield more or less water upon ignition, and in many cases it is known that they are, therefore, to be regarded as basic (or acid) silicates. The line, however, between … Read more