Grinding & Classification Circuits

Grinding & Classification Circuits

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Trunnion Magnet on SAG or Ball mill to remove ball scats (1 reply)

2 years ago
Ceverett 2 years ago

Just wondering if anyone has a ball or SAG mill with a trunnion magnet to remove scat steel and if they are willing to share the results. Looking into getting one for our SAG mill but looking for proof that it actually creates power savings, ball consumption savings, etc to justify the project. We process gold ore at about 200 TPH.



2 years ago
Mike 2 years ago

Trunnion magnets will work, unless you are using steel balls or grinding a magnetic ore.  Since the magnet will pickup magnetic material, they will pickup scats (ball pieces and chips) and balls that are not heavy enough to fall off.  Doubtful if they will improve power consumption.

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