Laboratory Testing & General Mineral Processing Engineering

Laboratory Testing & General Mineral Processing Engineering

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How to mine a Sealed "German Shaft" (1 reply)

4 months ago
Faraipaul 4 months ago

Recently we tasked a Borehole drilling company to drill up to 40m with the intention of sinking a Borehole. Long story short, at the 38th meter depth, the Driller hit into a shaft. Assays were done. Very high indeed. Now the challenge is how to proceed from here after getting the claim registered. Since shaft is sealed, we suspect there might be toxic gases. How do we deal with that? How do we sink a new shaft? How do we even begin to mine? Your assistance shall be greatly appreciated. Thank you!! 

4 months ago
Mike 4 months ago

First some terminology, a "shaft" is normally verticle, or at a very slight angle.  A horizontal or inclined entry would be called a "drift" or "adit".  To strike a "shaft" would call for a horizzontal or slightly inclined borhole.  

If you entered the old workings at 38m you should be able to sample the atmosphere inside to determine its nature through the borhole.

Also using a borehole camera you should be ablee to get pictures/videos of what is inside.

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