Coarse Gold Jigging & Coarse Sulphides Float with Fine Gold Rich Base Metal Flotation – 911Metallurgist

CIRCUIT PROCESS FLOWSHEET DESCRIPTION: Gold Mineral Jig and Flash/Unit Float Cell in a flotation circuit.

ORE TREATED: Partially oxidized or mixed oxide and sulphide ores.

ADVANTAGES: In several cases this flowsheet has been used with outstanding success on dump ore and stope fills. Non-floating oxide minerals and tarnished gold are recovered in Mineral Jig ahead of the Unit Flotation Cell. The ratio of concentration is held at a high figure to produce a small bulk of very high-grade gold concentrates that may be treated in a Amalgamation Unit. The Unit Flotation Cell recovers a coarse bulk concentrate, preventing slime losses and promoting settling and filtering of the flotation concentrates, usually difficult on this type of ore feed.Mineral Jig and Flash flotation Cell circuit