How to Make a Gold Bar by Casting Gold Bullion Ingot

How to Make a Gold Bar by Casting Gold Bullion Ingot

The operation of refining by one of the methods described above is necessary before gold can be exactly valued. When base metals other than copper are present, segregation occurs and the solidified metal is not uniform in composition. The result is that the exact value of the bullion cannot be determined, and the buyer must make some allowance to guard against loss. Nevertheless, refining is seldom attempted in extraction mills, and is often unnecessary in refineries, before parting the silver from the gold. The object at a mill is merely to melt down the bullion obtained, so as to bring it to a marketable form with as little loss as possible. With this object in view, no nitre is used, but the metal is kept covered by a layer of charcoal to prevent the formation of oxides, and the crucible is poured as soon as the charge has been fused and stirred.

When the removal of base metals has been successfully carried out the refined gold should be of a brilliant green colour, and its surface should remain quiet, without showing any iridescent films or other signs of continued oxidation.how_to_make_a_gold_bar

When the metal is supposed to be tough, a small sample is dipped out and made into a thin ingot, which, after it has been cooled in water, is doubled up by hammering and its degree of toughness thus tested. It is then often remelted with copper to make up the standard alloy of the country, and again cast and hammered or cut in two with a shearing machine. The reason for doing this is that impure gold, although it may be tough when unalloyed with copper, may make brittle standard bars. If the gold is still found to be brittle, the main bulk of it left in the crucible is subjected to a repetition of its former treatment as often as is necessary, and as soon as the toughening is complete, the gold is covered with a layer of charcoal in the form of powder or lumps and thoroughly stirred before being poured.

It is necessary to stir the charge thoroughly before pouring, as the bar must be as homogeneous as possible to insure a correct assay. Since segregation may occur on cooling, assay pieces are often dipped out immediately after stirring. The subject of taking bullion assay pieces is further considered in Chapter xx. The stirring is usually done with a peculiarly shaped graphite rod, made expressly for the purpose. It is annealed carefully and raised to a full red heat before being introduced into the crucible, and is held firmly by a pair of tongs with special concave curved faces to its jaws, so as to fit the round rod. In the case of very small meltings it is sufficient to lift the crucible out of the furnace with the tongs and to give it a rotary motion just previous to pouring. In doing this, the metal must not be allowed to cool too much or the casting will be defective. It is advisable to close the dampers wholly or in part, so as to check the draught, when stirring is being done.

Meanwhile the ingot-mould in which the gold is to be cast has been prepared. It is cleaned thoroughly inside by rubbing with emery paper and oil, or with pumice stone, and wiping with an oily rag; or it may be blackleaded inside, as this prevents contact between the gold and the iron of the mould. It is then warmed by being placed on the top of the furnace; its temperature must not be sufficiently high to ignite the oil, but it should be too hot to touch with the hand. When the bullion is ready to pour, the mould is placed on a level surface, such as an iron stool, at a height above the floor of about 12 or 18 inches and a little oil poured into it. Any cheap non-volatile oil will do, whether animal or vegetable.

The crucible is then lifted from the furnace, usually with basket tongs, and when the temperature of the metal has fallen to but little above its melting point, it is poured rapidly but steadily into the mould. The crucible is then held in the inverted position for a short time, and jarred once or twice to cause the last portion of the metal to flow from it. The oil is ignited, and burns on the top of the cast metal, thus keeping it from tarnishing. In small castings, the slag is allowed to flow out and remain on the top of the metal in the mould; in large castings, the slag is usually skimmed off before pouring. Beads of metal are caught in a large iron tray with raised edges, in the centre of which the mould is placed. If the mould is clean and has been hot-enough, and if enough oil has been used, a clean untarnished bar is produced. It is turned out of the mould by inversion of the latter, while still too hot to be handled, and the slag is separated by one or two light taps with a hammer. The bar is then; in many establishments, momentarily dipped into water to assist in the complete removal of the last fragments of the slag, and it is also a favourite practice to dip the bar, first into dilute sulphuric acid, and then into clean water, the bar retaining warmth enough after removal to expel all moisture. This treatment removes all tarnish, and any adherent particles of slag are then chipped off and assay pieces cut from the bar.casting-gold-bullion-ingot

In some refineries large crucibles are used, and 3,000 or 4,000 ozs. of metal are refined at once. In this case, several ingot moulds are filled successively from one pot, usually by means of an iron ladle, the weight of the gold bars manufactured being usually either 200 or 400 ozs. each. Silver bars, on the other hand, are made much larger, often weighing 1,000 or 1,200 ozs. Mixed bars of bullion (containing both gold and silver) are seldom cast of a greater weight than 600 ozs. in mills.

In conducting all these furnace operations the use of a thick pair of mittens made of sacking is to be recommended for the protection of the hands. The feet are best protected by wooden clogs.

Bullion Lost During Melting Process

The losses sustained in melting vary according to the composition of the metal. At the Royal Mint, the loss in melting without refining standard gold is about 0.2 per 1,000, partly recoverable from the “sweep.” At the New York Assay Office they are found to vary from 0.5 to 1.5 per 1,000. The losses may be divided into mechanical loss, and loss by volatilisation. The mechanical loss is reduced by care in the conduct of the operation; it may be due to a number of causes. The crucible may break and its contents fall into the fire, or be scattered over the floor of the melting house when on the point of being poured. To avoid loss in this way, the ashpit may be constructed of a cast-iron tray, which can be easily scraped out. The floor of the room is made of carefully-laid flagstones, or, better still, of iron plates, in which there are no cracks or crannies capable of hiding metal beads. Projection by spirting out of the crucible may be occasioned if certain impurities, such as tellurium or antimony, are present in the bullion. Recovery of any metal lost in the ashes is effected by panning. The slags formed in the course of refining frequently contain some small shots of metal, which may be recovered by grinding the slag finely and washing down the product in a pan or on a vanner. At the San Francisco Mint, the residue from the vannings are allowed to accumulate, and at intervals dried and fused with borax in an old graphite crucible at a high temperature. The crucible is left in the furnace overnight to cool and is then broken up, and the shots of metal at the bottom picked out. They are chiefly silver, very little gold being thus recovered. Shots of metal can be recovered with greater certainty from the slags by fusion with lead.

The crucibles, stirrers, lids, &c., also contain a certain quantity of gold and silver. After each melting they are scraped, and the scrapings panned, or, better still, calcined and fused with lead; but, in spite of this treatment, precious metals accumulate in the pots, and, when worn out, they are ground-up in a Chilian mill or other grinder, and panned, in order to separate the shots of metal. Sometimes mercury is fed into the grinding mill. The tailings from this treatment will often pay for fusion with lead, and subsequent cupellation. Certain refineries treat large quantities of such residues, with which may be included sweepings of the floor of the melting house.

Osmiridium Gold Bar Contaminant

Gold sometimes contains osmium and iridium. As these metals remain together during the treatment, the mixture is commonly called osmiridium. If this is present in perceptible quantities, a fact which is not usually detected until after the bars have been parted, the gold is remelted in a clean crucible and kept fused at a high temperature for about half an hour, when the osmiridium will settle to the bottom of the crucible. This is due to the fact that osmiridium does not seem to form a true alloy with gold, and, being of high density and very infusible, the particles, unfused or partly fused, settle through the liquid gold. The crucible is then gently lifted out of the furnace, and the greater portion carefully but rapidly poured into a mould, the remainder, which contains almost all the osmiridium, is allowed to cool in the crucible until it has solidified, and then assayed for osmiridium. An alternative plan is to allow the whole charge to solidify in the crucible, and then to cut off the lowest portion, which is set aside. The osmiridium settles better from an alloy chiefly consisting of silver than from pure gold, and the rich bottoms are consequently melted several times with silver, the lowest part being cut off each time. The gold is thus gradually replaced by silver, which eventually forms by far the greater part of the mass. It is then granulated and parted, and the resulting powder of gold and osmiridium is treated with aqua regia, by which the gold is dissolved, and the osmiridium separated as a black powder. Such osmiridium is worth from eight to twenty shillings per ounce, and selected grains are used to make the “diamond points” of gold pens. Iridium is, however, not invariably separated from the gold bars in which it is contained, and traces can be observed in some of the refined commercial bars met with in London.

How to Make Gold Bars Yourself