Sink and Float Separation Process

The Sink and Float Separation Process is an alternative to the progressive depletion, during the last quarter century, of ores which could be economically treated by the old methods of gravity concentration necessitated the development of more efficient methods of concentration, the most successful and widely used of these methods being the Flotation Process. But … Read more

Heavy Media Separation Process

The Sink and Float separation process is part of what is also known as a Heavy Media Separation Process (HMS) and are commercial adaptations of the common laboratory procedure used for separating a mixture of two products having differentials in specific gravity by immersing the sample in a heavy liquid having a gravity intermediate to those of … Read more

Dense-Heavy Medium Separation HMS / DMS Process

DMS Dense medium separation

HMS and DMS are acronyms for Heavy (Dense) Medium Separation and is applied to the process of pre-concentration of minerals – mainly the production of a high weight, low assay product, which may be rejected as waste. In principle it is the simplest of all gravity processes and is a standard laboratory method for separating minerals … Read more