

usa manufacturerThis XRD Analyzer is the world’s first truly portable X-ray diffractometer. Most X-ray diffractometers are very large instruments that take up most of the laboratory. This is the laboratory instrument that you can bring with you in the field. It runs on 4 lithium-ion batteries and it weighs about 15 kilograms. The instrument’s really easy to use. Everything is stationary, so you can actually move it around and it can go into rugged environments.
It has an X-ray tube and a 3-dimensional detector, and that allows us to get very quick diffraction patterns that somebody can take in the field and then download to a PC and analyze. As far as sample preparation goes in the field, take a rock sample of any kind, crush it down and sieve it out to 100 mesh. Once you have that loose powder, you can take it and load it into the sample holding device. A little bit of powder into here, about 15 milligrams. It will fall down between some Mylar windows and it will move around inside.xrd_analyzer
The external shaker, allows the sample holder to vibrate and for the sample to move around inside the instrument. So from the top panel here, you get to go ahead and load some sample in and you will see, the sample is loading down into that yellow window. And it moves around inside, giving us a random orientation of the crystal lattice. And that’s very key for XRD.
XRD is based on seeing all aspects of the crystal lattice. And when you have that random orientation, you can get rid of any kind of preferential orientation and get a very clean, full XRD pattern. Once it’s loaded, you can stop it, insert it back into the instrument and start an acquisition just by hitting Go to start up the instrument. You’ll see that it’s all safely contained in here, there’s no need for a cooling system or anything else like that. It has X-ray lights that will show up right here and you see a bit of information about how the acquisition is taking place.