Effect of Mill Speeds on Grinding Costs

In my opinion, the effect of mill speeds on grinding costs must be studied along with capital investment and dollars gathered together as profits. Comparing the entire groups of operators with those who have had the opportunity to make slow-speed mill studies, I think you will find the latter small in numbers. Most managers want […]
Rock Hardness & Drilling

A survey of the technical literature concerned with oil well drilling methods and particularly with rate of penetration by various cutting media on different types of rock provides a mass of conflicting data. This is especially true with respect to, (1) the relative efficiency of diamond, rotary and percussion drilling operations; (2) the costs of […]
Tramp Iron Detector for Conveyor Belts

The problem of tramp iron removal from moving ore belts is a long standing one. When heavy ore streams are carried on a belt, magnetic pulleys and strong surface magnets fail to remove tramp buried in the ore stream. Tramp iron buried in the ore stream cannot be pulled from the bed by surface magnets […]
How to Recover Flake Mica

A new method for concentrating the flake mica either from present washing plant tailings or from new feed has been developed. In this paper, flake mica refers to that which occurs in weathered granites, alaskites, pegmatites, and schists in a form too fine to be considered sheet mica. It ranges in size from 1 in. […]
Extractive Metallurgy of Aluminum

Metallic aluminum is not found in nature, but the oxides, hydroxides, and especially the silicates are plentiful. The estimated percentage of aluminum in the crust of the earth is about 8 pct while that of iron is about 5 pct. By far the larger portion of this is combined with silica in the form of […]
Vapor Pressure of Silver

The purpose of this study was to measure the vapor pressure of silver as the first step in the determination of activities in silver alloys and to test the limitations of the method adopted. In order to work at low pressures, below 2×10-² mm of mercury, the orifice effusion technique was employed. To shorten the […]