

The 911MPEC900 Laboratory or Pilot plant multi-gravity separator (MGS) is a compact and mobile unit suitable for laboratory or on-site pilot plant investigation into the continuous separation of minerals of different specific gravities in liquid suspension.

It is able to separate two minerals from each other or separate a group of heavy minerals from lighter “gangue” material, provided that there is a reasonable difference in specific gravities.

The MGS is suitable for the treatment of fines and ultrafines with a maximum particle size of approximately 150µm (0 .15mm) and lower limit of approximately 5µm (0.005mm).made_in_uk

Typical applications include

  • the scavenging of precious metals or valuable minerals from tailings or slimes streams
  • pre-concentrating heavy mineral sands or industrial minerals (anatase, barytes, chromite, coal etc.)
  • upgrading flotation concentrates, concentrating base metal oxides, sulphides, uranium etc. from primary ores
  • treatment of alluvial ores in general