

Small plant or “pilot plant” size flotation cells. Banks of twin cells. Self-aspiration SUB-A type machines.

Volume cell offered are:china manufacturer

  • 0.053 ft3
  • 0.106 ft3
  • 0.25 ft3
  • 0.42 ft3
  • 0.85  ft3
  • 1.38 ft3

These ALL STAINLESS STEEL flotation machines are used to form banks of 2 cells. The can be arranged in series to accommodate small plants of up to 1 TPH (24 Ton/day). View the description below for a flotation cell capacity table you can use to estimate how many machines you need.1-year-warranty

Look at the capacity you need in KPH (kilo/hour) or TPD (ton/day) and look for a number of machines, ideally, between 2 and 8. From this, select what cell size (volume) gives you that quantity of machines to form your flotation bank and circuit.

Amount cannot be empty